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Butcher with a prize winning Ruby Red Devon bull

Work with meaning

Since Cowshed launched almost 10 years ago, the world has changed a lot, and so have we.

We’ve grown in many ways as a business, and to reflect this, the Cowshed brand has also had a makeover.

We’ve spent the past year speaking to clients old and new, and with our team, to remind ourselves why people choose to work with us, and for us.

The result of that process is a simple mission statement;

Work with meaning

Clients work with us because of our expertise, passion, and our dedication to their cause.

Our team work for Cowshed to gain invaluable experience working with causes they care deeply about. 

As part of our brand refresh, inspiring artist Sarah Delahoy has reimagined this beautiful bull to represent the values and beliefs of our business. His name is Jimmy and this is the story of why he’s here.

Jimmy was Vicki’s Grandad and this is a picture of him with a prize-winning Red Devon bull.

Brought up on a farm in Devon in the 1920s, Jimmy was the youngest of 14 children. As the youngest he had to work hard to get attention!

He started life as a butchers’ boy at the age of 14 and he was good at it. So good, in fact, that eventually he was able to open his own shop and he bought a small farm for his family to live on.

Jimmy was a kind man. A man of integrity. A man who believed in doing his very best for his family and for his friends. He was loved.

On the day he was pictured, Jimmy was the proudest man in the land. He had travelled to the most prestigious market in country, Smithfield in London, to buy the first prize bull.

He had come a long way.

We’ve come a long way at Cowshed too, and we also feel that sense of pride and achievement in the work we do. In fact, 100% of the Cowshed team say they joined the business to feel pride in their day jobs.

So, this Red Devon, who we’ve named Jimmy, is our symbol of persistence, of hope, of doing our very best and feeling proud of everything we achieve.

We hope you love him like we do.

Here’s to working with meaning, just like Jimmy.

Read all about it